Let light in
There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.
We’re the tulle shop with a heart.
May you find understanding here, a gentle reminder of joy, and the softest tulle you’ve ever seen.
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Dragons’ Den

There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

“Why tulle? Because it lets the light in.”
Our story started with motherhood, when the baby blues took a new mother to a dark place.
At some point, I realized I wasn’t living well. And it had nothing to do with the lack of achievements and things.
With an opening like that, it sounds like I have some answers to share. But I don’t, not really. At my darkest, I sought to be understood. I could not heal, change, or make better without feeling understood, first.
May you find encouragement here by feeling understood.
The stories here hold space for heartbreak, to eventually make way for joy, and to give shape to the space in between - when we don’t know what we’re feeling yet, except for the desperate need to feel understood.
- Sarah
Short stories
All hearts break. May yours break open, not apart.